Monday, February 23, 2015

The Geography of Divergent Immigrant Fortunes

In Britain, Bangladeshis fare better than Pakistanis. The intensity of inbreeding homophily explains the difference.

Theme: Immigration and economic development

Subject Article: "Breaking out: In Britain, Bangladeshis have overtaken Pakistanis. Credit the poor job market when they arrived and the magical effect of London."

Other Links: 1. "Perception, Policy, and Migration."
2. "Geography of Isolation."
3. "Inbreeding Homophily."
4. "Migrant Networks and the Spread of Misinformation."

Postscript: From "Armenian and Azerbaijani Migrants in Turkey Both Want to Make Money":

Salomoni has also focused on the plight of Armenian and Azerbaijan migrants in Turkey and his latest paper on the issue is entitled “Just Beyond the Border: Azerbaijani and Armenian Migrants in Turkey.” ...

... One difference is that the bulk of Armenians are located in Istanbul, whereas Azerbaijanis are scattered throughout the country. Of course, there are Armenians in Antalya, Izmir and Ankara, but very few. On the other hand, while there are many Azerbaijanis in Istanbul, there are also many in Izmir and especially Igdir and Kars.

I'd be interested to learn if the Armenian migrants are doing better economically than the Azerbaijanis, which may bolster the argument The Economist is advancing (i.e. geography is destiny).

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