A special workshop and chamber performance of Butoh-influenced movement. Join us in the Cultural District to welcome Japanese/German dance theatre artists Mitsuru and Jennifer Sasaki for their first appearance in the US.
SATURDAY, AUG 2: Introduction to Butoh Workshop
from 3pm-6pm at 947 Liberty Avenue
Admission: No charge
(This is for anyone working with the body. No specific experience in dance or Butoh is required.)
SUNDAY, AUG 3: Chamber Performance of Butoh-Inspired Movement
7:30PM at 947 Liberty Avenue
Suggested donation: $10 at the door
All live, all improvised. Vignettes and movement meditations on “Fish Engine” by Mitsuru and Jennifer Sasaki, Gia Cacalano, and an assembled troupe of Pittsburgh movement artists.
> to RSVP, email us at
(please specify which events you wish to attend)
A short introduction to Butoh will lead off the Sunday evening performance. Butoh is an avant-garde performance art with origins in Japan in the 1960's. Butoh is no one thing, no single style, but it always has at its center a fragile transformative spark.