Theme: Demographic decline and Legacy Economy.
Subject Article: "Why California needs the young if it's to thrive: Age, not race or ethnicity, matters most for the state's future prosperity."
Other Links: 1. "Puerto Rico Is Dying."
2. "How Return Migration Will Save The World."
3. "The New Geography of Jobs."
4. "Era of Dying Places."
5. "Net Migration Between California and Other States: 1955-1960 and 1995-2000."
6. "Texas Gov. Rick Perry Not About 'To Ride Off Into the Sunset'."
7. "The gain before the pain: Mexico’s demographic dividend will be short-lived."
8. "Young people are NOT leaving Pittsburgh: Statistics in hand, Chris Briem is happy to explode the myth of a continuing exodus."
Postscript: Scouring the ends of the earth for prospective college freshman:
A waning number of high school graduates from the Midwest is sparking a college hunt for freshman applicants, with the decline being felt as far away as Harvard and Emory universities.
The drop is the leading edge of a demographic change that is likely to ease competition for slots at selective schools and is already prompting concern among Midwestern colleges.
“You can’t create 18-year-olds in a lab,” said Brian Prescott, director of policy research at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education in Boulder, Colorado. “Enrollment managers are facing an awful lot of pressure that they can’t do much about.”
For Pennsylvania, been there and done that. Good luck catching up.