Saturday, March 06, 2010

Burgh Energy Report: Bloggers Wanted

Knowledge Problem passed along some news about a new energy blogger at the Houston Chronicle. That got me to thinking about the energy scene in Pittsburgh and the lack of bloggers covering the subject. The occasional post at Null Space is about it. At least, that's all I've noticed.

I'm out of my depth, but I've dabbled enough to realize that there is plenty of fodder for a dedicated blog. The exploitation of the Marcellus Play has caught most people unaware because it developed so quickly. Many dots still need to be connected.

For example, what is the relationship between the different forms of energy tech? There is a Texas-sized tension between the natural gas and wind power industries. But you won't find much, if any, evidence of such a discussion going on in Ohio where the governor is touting the wonders of clean tech innovation in his state. There is bound to be some zero-sum reckoning in the near future. Then again, I could be wrong.

I'm also noticing more informal information bubbling up in the social media sphere that isn't finding any expression in the mainstream. On Facebook, a fellow who helped to design LNG tankers back in the day talked about the export prospects for natural gas. To tell you that the prospects are excellent would be an understatement. However, the word from Texas (again) might cast some doubt on how fast and big the boom will be.

There are a host of pressing questions that no one seems to be asking. I haven't even touched on the environmental debate. That conversation would benefit from less hysteria and more grounded information. We need a blogger who can be trusted to address both sides of the issue. Any takers?

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