Workers of the world unite and retire.
Theme: Economic restructuring
Subject Article: "New World Order: Labor, Capital, and Ideas in the Power Law Economy."
Other Links: 1. "Steris Corp., Philips Healthcare to move total of 200 jobs to Northeast Ohio."
Postscript: There's a new economic geography in town. If you are interested in finding out more, watch "Biotech's real estate boom."
Silicon Valley is bereft of ideas? Or is it just that they don't have many Bio-tech/Medical ideas? I thought both UCSF and Stanford Med School were major research institutions in these areas, and Bayer supposedly has their global bio-tech research center in Berkeley. No skin off my nose, mind you, I'm not from the Bay area, but I find it hard to fathom that Phillips couldn't find enough ideas in that region.
Research specialization might be part of the problem. The expense of Silicon Valley might be another consideration. So, ideas might be abundant in both places. But one is much cheaper than the other, driving the economic geography.
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